

我们遵循 Jetbrains 的 Kotlin 风格指南,但存在少许修改。

  • 列宽
    • 修改 Hard wrap 为 160 字符
    • 为了提高可读性,必要时自由换行
  • 缩进
    • 使用 4 个空格,而不是 2 个空格或 1 个 Tab
  • 空行
    • 在每个文件(类、接口等)中的第一个成员前和最后一个成员后放置一个空行
    • 不要写的太挤,也不要空太多行
  • 异常
    • 对于被忽略的异常,需将异常变量命名为 ignored

尽管我们强烈建议你阅读 Kotlin 风格指南,但是它们实在是太长了。为了帮助你快速开始,下面是一个格式正确的代码样例:

package io.izzel.taboolib.example

import java.util.*
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom

* An example class which generates a new ID based on a specified base string
* and a randomly generated integer.
* <p>There is a chance the integer purposely fails to generate, in which case
* you can choose to provide a backup integer.</p>
class Example(private val base: String) {

private val random = ThreadLocalRandom.current()

* Generates and returns an ID using the base string specified on creation
* or the alternative string if specified as well as a randomly generated
* integer, which purposely fails to generate around 50% of the time.
* <p>A {@link ThreadLocalRandom} is used to check if the integer should
* be generated and generates the integer itself if so.</p>
* @param alternate An alternate base string which will be used if not null
* @return The generated ID, if available
fun generateId(alternate: String?): String? {
return if (this.random.nextBoolean()) {
if (alternate == null) base else alternate.toString() + " - " + random.nextInt()
} else {

* Generates and returns an ID using the base string specified on creation,
* using a randomly generated integer if it was generated successfully, or
* using the backup integer you specify.
* A [ThreadLocalRandom] is used to check if the integer should
* be generated and generates the integer itself if so. If it was not
* generated, that is when your backup integer will be used.
* @param backup A backup integer to use to create the ID with
* @return The generated ID using the generated integer or the ID created
* using the backup integer specified
fun generateId(backup: Int): String {
return generateId(null) ?: "$base - $backup"